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Beginner course

Step-by-step, as easy as building a lego.
Design a simple App in Figma and import it into Bravo Studio.
1 hour
Step-by-step Tutorials
1/5 Bravo Menus - 8:38 min
2/5 Bravo Top Bar- 1:21 min
3/5 Bravo LottieFiles - 2:41 min
4/5 Bravo List Pages - 3:09 min
5/5 App icon & Prototyping - 4:06 min
Download the Beginner eBook, step-by-step tutorial
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After completing this course you will know how to:

1. Design and add
a sliding menu
2. Add LottieFiles
3. Create a list page
4. Add a top bar
5. Prototype your App
+ add App Icon
6. Add Bravo tags + import to
Bravo Studio

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