Create your own Fitness App without coding.

Health and fitness have always been on the list of everyone’s top priorities. Today, apps allow us to track our way to success with diet suggestions, activity trackers, personal trainers and even exercise routines. Creating a fitness app without coding is now possible, so let’s see how to kick it off!

Available for Apple iOS and Android devices.

AI kids stories with Rowy

Health and fitness have always been on the list of everyone’s top priorities. Today, apps allow us to track our way to success with diet suggestions, activity trackers, personal trainers and even exercise routines. Creating a fitness app without coding is now possible, so let’s see how to kick it off!

Available for Apple iOS and Android devices.

Engage with your users like never before.

  • Authentication

  • Personal user profile

  • List of AI generated kid stories

    Audio story player per chapter

  • In-app purchase to unlock premium content: Let the users create their stories with personalised names and characters

  • Search function

  • Custom design: Design the app the way you want leveraging the full design power of Figma

  • Push notifications

Create your own Fitness App without coding.

Health and fitness have always been on the list of everyone’s top priorities. Today, apps allow us to track our way to success with diet suggestions, activity trackers, personal trainers and even exercise routines. Creating a fitness app without coding is now possible, so let’s see how to kick it off!
How to build a Fitness App

Engage with your users like never before.

Key personal trainer app features to include:
  • Authentication
  • Personal user profile
  • List of diets
  • List of workouts
  • In-app purchase to unlock premium content: Let the users sample your personal training content, and then have the premium content behind an in-app purchase paywall
  • Real-time chat: Provide 121 chats with your  customers to provide extra value by answering their questions directly
  • Search function to find your workout session
  • Custom design: Design the app the way you want leveraging the full design power of Figma
  • Push notifications

Why build a Fitness app?


Overview of the Fitness apps market.


How hard is it to create a Fitness app?


How much does it cost to create a Fitness app?


How to create a Fitness app step by step.


How to start making money with your Fitness app.


Bravo: the best software for making a Fitness app.


Why build a Fitness app?

Tracking progress has always been essential for fitness fanatics, and mobile apps have made these services available to everyone. The demand was already there, now you can track your fitness journey just by downloading an app. 
The market for fitness has split between trackers and fitness platforms, which let users dictate timing and intensity and personalized programs. Both have experienced a peak of downloads during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fitness app revenue increased by 84% in 2020, primarily through higher usage during lockdown and new subscriptions models tested by several apps.
Plus, fitness apps received a 45% boost in users in 2020, and interest has remained high in 2021, with total sessions at the same level as 2020.
On a whole, fitness apps have been downloaded over 400 million times in 2021. So, if you were thinking of creating a fitness app, you might want to consider starting now. 
Why to build fitness app graph1Why to build fitness app graph2

How to create your own fitness app step by step.

Building a fitness app with Bravo Studio is easy. You just need to decide whether to go with Figma or Adobe XD for your designs, define a user flow, prioritize functionalities and kick off your Bravo project. You’ll have your app published in the stores in no time. 

1. Define the features

The first thing you need to do is understand how these apps work. We strongly advise you to go through Google Play or the App Store and search for restaurant apps. Download a couple of them, play around and see what they have to offer. Look for bright ideas and note them down. Then, add the ideas you had according to your customers wants and needs. Once you have this list, try choosing the top 3 features for your app. Those will be the core of your first release. If in doubt, you can use the Impact-Effort matrix to try and organize them. The features with higher impact and lower effort are the ones you should start building right away.

2. Design your fitness app

Once you have your features ready, you’ll have to kick off your UX design. That’s to say, define your app’s architecture. What Is the user flow going to be like? How many screens will the app have? 

Once your app’s skeleton is ready, you can move on to UI design and get your branding out there. You can add some animations if you feel like it. The key here is to develop a system and stick to it so that your app looks nice and tidy. 

For this design phase, you can work with Figma or Adobe XD. Once your design is ready, you'll be halfway to having your app ready!

4. Don’t forget to test with your users

Once you have imported your design to Bravo Studio and it’s almost ready to go, you might want to run a couple of tests with a couple of brief meetings with users that belong to your target audience. You can easily do this by sharing your app via Bravo Vision previewer app. This will help you gain fresh feedback and go through one last iteration.

Why build a Kids Stories app using no-code?

In-app purchases

Better user-experience

Segmented push notifications

Use of mobile device features

Increased brand engagement

Chat (coming soon)


With a no-code platform, you have complete control over the design and functionality of your fitness app, which means you can build it to meet your specific business needs and requirements.


No-code platforms allow you to make changes and updates to your fitness app on the fly, without the need for extensive coding or programming.


Building a fitness app from scratch using a no-code platform is often much faster than traditional development methods.

Cost savings

No-code platforms can significantly reduce the cost of building and maintaining a custom fitness app, as you don't need to hire a team of developers or pay for expensive software licenses.


No-code platforms are designed to be user-friendly and accessible, even for non-technical users, which means you don't need to have any coding or programming experience to build a custom fitness app.


How hard is it to create a Fitness app?

As usual, this depends on the features you want to add to your app and the complexity of the design. Fitness apps are usually divided into three types:

Activity tracking

Apps that help users monitor their food habits, track calories, plan diets, set objectives, control water balance and body weight, among others.

Diet and nutrition

Apps that help users monitor their food habits, track calories, plan diets, set objectives, control water balance and body weight, among others.

Workout and exercise

Apps that offer specific training and use video to show users how to complete them.
Fitness apps can be part of one of these types or combine several features. This depends mainly on the target audience, your business plan and your competitors. 
Start building

How hard is it to create a Fitness app?

As usual, this depends on the features you want to add to your app and the complexity of the design. Fitness apps are usually divided into three types:

Activity tracking

Apps that collect user information about the number of steps taken, stairs climbed, hours slept, distance and speed run, and calories burned.

Diet and nutrition

Apps that help users monitor their food habits, track calories, plan diets, set objectives, control water balance and body weight, among others.

Workout and exercise

Apps that offer specific training and use video to show users how to complete them.
Fitness apps can be part of one of these types or combine several features. This depends mainly on the target audience, your business plan and your competitors. 
Start building

How much does it cost to create a Fitness app?

The cost of developing a fitness app from scratch can range from $24,000 to $180,000 depending on various factors such as number and complexity of features, branding and salaries for the development team. 
If you use Bravo Studio, you won’t need to invest on development. You just need to work on your design and then merge them with Bravo Studio. No surprises, just pay a fixed-price plan or you can even kick off your project with our free plan.
Start building
How much does it cost to create a Fitness app

How to create a Fitness app step by step.

Building an app is not just about using the right tools and designing nice wireframes. These are some steps you need to follow:

First, you to do need some research

Define your audience

As usual with any app the first thing you need to do is define and understand your target audience, which will significantly influence the success of your app. It’s not about excluding groups, but rather to really understand who your main users are. Broadly put, your targeted audience can be classified based on demographics or psychometrics. Demographic factors include gender, age, location, income, occupation, race, ethnicity, and marital status. Psychometrics are more based on behavioral traits.

Analyze your competitors

Let’s consider the most popular dating apps. Which features do they share and what are their unique selling points? What’s the user flow like in each of them? Go through the reviews of both the most and least popular dating apps, note down features, grab a pen and a piece of paper and start sketching your app’s wireframes.

List the features you need

The amount of features you can add to your app is almost endless. A good plan is to list the features that your competitors are offering and then prioritize with an impact and effort matrix.
You don’t need to waste 3 months carrying out extensive research, but there are some basic steps that we recommend covering before diving into the design and no-code development stages. Let’s take a look:

Design your Fitness app

Once you’ve defined your target audience and the main features, you need to transform your drawings and notes into real wireframes. With Bravo Studio, you can choose to design using Figma or Adobe XD. Bravo Studio integrates with both design tools which will then convert your design into a real app. You don’t need to use any templates! Just let your ideas roll and then you’ll be able to put everything together using Bravo Studio.

It’s no-code time!

Once your app has been designed you are ready to start Bravorizing! Create your free account and connect Bravo with Figma or Adobe XD. You can follow these tutorials if you need any help. 
Start building

How to start making money with your Fitness app.

If you have any apps downloaded to your phone, you might already know there are different ways in which apps gain money. There are paid apps that charge users for the download. Other apps offer in-app purchases, this means users may download the app for free but to access certain features or content they need to pay an extra amount of money. There’s also a monetization strategy that’s based on ads or sponsored content. This means that other companies or individuals who are interested in sponsoring their products pay for an advertisement place.
You need to define a monetization strategy. It might be one for the short run and then change once you have a certain number of users but don’t forget to think about how the app’s going to survive. 
Start building

Bravo: the best software for making a Fitness app.

Bravo is your no-code custom-made mobile app builder for iOS and Android. Create pixel-perfect MVPs, validate ideas and publish on App Store and Google Play Store. You can start Bravorizing today for free.
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