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July 24, 2023

Come join us on a new adventure: A No-code Summer Camp

Have you been sitting on an app idea all year? The Summer Camp is right for you. Register today to get free resources, workshops and tutorials to turn your idea into an app.
Estefanía Giraldo
Estefanía Giraldo

We are launching Bravo Academy and wanted to celebrate together with our community so we joined forces with NoCode.Tech University to create a Summer Camp that will help you launch that app idea you’ve been sitting on all year.

Summer is a great time to learn new things and take some time off to work on ideas and personal projects. Our Summer Camp is all about getting together with the community of entrepreneurs, makers, designers and no-coders to learn how to build an app. 

You’ll access exclusive content that will help you take the first steps towards building your own app, generate great ideation workshops and master app planning. Experts will show you how to create successful frontend and backend toolkits and participate on webinars about growth and marketing in order to get your first customers.

It will run from July to September. You can register for free to receive weekly updates, resources, guides, tutorials and links to attend each event. Plus, live sessions will be recorded so you’ll be able to access anytime. 

If you want to bring an idea to life, have looked at some tools but are not sure how to build your app or don’t want to spend months learning how to code, the Summer Camp is right for you. Come join us! 

When? July, August & September

Where? Online! 

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